Nov. 12: Drammers Online and in NYC with Killowen's Distillery Director Brendan Carty...

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Fellow Drammers!

We’re thrilled to welcome the force of nature behind Killowen Irish — Brendan Carty for a special Drammers tasting. Technically he is the Distillery Director, and we will be welcoming him both online and in person for those of our members in NYC (it will be a hybrid event — the two groups will join for an online discussion for approximately 45 minutes, after which everyone online and in person are invited to continue to chat together separately. Brendan is bringing a special array of Killowen expressions for us to taste, and we’ll update this listing as soon as we have that. Please be sure to select the correct set (if you are joining in person, select “for pickup” instead of shipping). The samples are expected to be identical in person vs. online.

We hope you can join us! For those of you joining in person, we’ll have pizza as well…

Drammers Club

  • WHEN: Friday, November 12th, at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern.

  • FORMAT: Hybrid online and in person (joint session will be approximately 45 minutes).

  • WHERE: On Zoom for those joining online, and for those joining in person in NYC at 250 Mercer Street, Apt C512, between 3rd and 4th streets in the village

  • PRICE: $25/person for Drammers Members or $35/person for Drammers Observers