Oct. 9: Floki Icelandic Single Malt with Eimverk's Distillery Manager Eva Maria Sigurbjörnsdóttir...

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Fellow Drammers!

We’re excited to announce a special online tasting with Eva Maria Sigurbjörnsdóttir, the Distillery Manager for Eimverk Distillery, makers of Iceland’s Floki whisky. For those of you in our Drammers Facebook group, you may have seen the distillery tour we did there a couple months back with their head of marketing, Pall Palsson, and since then we’ve been working on putting together an epic tasting of their whiskies, including their famous sheep-dung smoked Icelandic single malt, which mental imagery associations nothwithstanding, is damn good. We’re still finalizing the exact lineup, but it will likely include at a minimum:

- Floki Young Malt

- Floki Single Malt

- Floki Young Malt Sheep Dung Smoked

- Floki Single Malt Sheep Dung Smoked

- Beer Barrel Finish

- Oloroso Finish

We’ll update it with any additional details as soon as we have them, but we wanted to let you know right away so you could make plans. We hope you can join us!

Drammers Club