Oct. 7: Drammers NYC - Rare Glenfiddich "Welcome Back Party" for their Brand Ambassador Allan Roth!...

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NYC Drammers!

Great news — our longtime friend and fellow Drammer Allan Roth, who of course is the brand ambassador for The Glenfiddich, has returned to NYC, and we’re throwing a party for him at 7pm on Thursday, October 7th. Allan likely needs no introduction, but just in case for our newer members, he was the beverage director at the great Char No. 4 - a whisky bar that used to be in Brooklyn and is sadly no longer around. He graduated to getting the prestigious role as a brand ambassador for The Glenfiddich and used to be based in NYC, where we had a lot of great events with him over the years. When he moved to Los Angeles, we threw a going away party for him, back in July of 2019. And now our NYC members will be delighted to know that he has returned! So, of course, we're throwing a welcome back party, and we've got some incredible expressions we'll be including. I'm writing this from our event in Charlotte, and don't have access to my full lineup of bottles, so this all-Glenfiddich lineup will likely be added to...

  • Glenfiddich 15yo Distillery Exclusive Handfill, 58% abv

  • Grand Series 21yo

  • Grand Series 23yo

  • Grande Courrone 26yo Cognac

  • Icewine finish

  • [and more to come]

We hope you can join us! $50/person for Drammers Members, $65/person for Drammers Observers. The event will be at my apartment (250 Mercer ST, apt C512, between 3rd and 4th streets in the Village). We'll provide Joe's Pizza as usual! We hope you can join us. As usual, everyone who has attended our events in the past can invite friends/new members, but we are otherwise not open to the public, so only people you know (and like, ha).
