Oct. 26: Drammers Vegas with Glenmorangie's National Brand Ambassador Dan Crowell......
Hello Vegas Drammers!
We are so proud to invite you to this very special whisky tasting with our Vegas chapter — we’re thrilled to welcome back Dan Crowell, the National Brand Ambassador for The Glenmorangie Company. He’s one of the most sought-after speakers in the industry, and we couldn’t be happier to welcome him back after our blowout event with him same time last year. Details on the bottle lineup to come, but if last year’s lineup is any indication, it’s going to be killer. And we’ll have food on hand also that will be included in the price of the event.
We hope you can join us!
Charlie, Bob and Drammers Club
WHEN: October 26th, 6:30pm
WHERE: A big thank you to Beth and Greg McFadden for hosting!
PRICE: $40 for Drammers Members / $50 for Observers & Non-Members
FORMAT: In person tasting