Nov. 13 [RESCHEDULE DATE]: Drammers NYC - JJ Corry's Founder Louise McGuane in Person!...

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Fellow Drammers!

We’re thrilled to announce that Louise McGuane, founder of JJ Corry Irish whiskey, will be joining us in person on November 8th at 7pm. You will likely recall that we had a wonderful online event with her a few months back where we tried a number of her rarest releases, and during that event we raised the idea of doing a custom blend exclusively for Drammers Club — well we’re thrilled to announce that we’re proceeding with that, and in fact she’ll be bringing samples with her for us to try so we can select one! We also have a few fun rare bottles we tried to secure last time that arrived after that event. Should be a lot of fun. We hope you can join us. As usual, we’ll order in pizza as well.

Drammers Club

  • Format: In person tasting

  • When: November 8th, at 7pm

  • Where: 250 Mercer ST, Apt C512, between 3rd and 4th streets in the village

  • Price (at cost): $25/person for Drammers Members, $35/person for Drammers Observers