Nov. 27: Drammers Berlin!...

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Fellow Drammers!

Our next in person event in Berlin will take place on Saturday, November 27th at 7pm. We’re assembling a great lineup of bottles to taste, and of course we’ve had a bunch of fantastic Drammers barrel picks we can work in the mix, including our new barrels of Frey Ranch and Amrut Indian Single Malt (and by the date of the event we’ll likely have a couple more). On top of that, we’ll be fresh back from our trip to Oaxaca for our annual Day of the Dead trip, so we are likely to have some fun mezcal in tow too. In any case, details to come, but we wanted to let you know right away so you could mark your calendars, and of course feel free to sign up for the event now. As usual, anyone who is part of the club and has been to one of our events either in person or online is welcome to join and to bring a friend. We’ll have food on hand (likely pizza) as well.

Drammers Club