Mar. 9: Drammers LA with Miles Munroe, Head Distiller at Westward Whiskey......


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Hello LA Drammers!

Great news! We’re delighted to announce that our next Drammers LA event will be on Wednesday March 9th, and our guest speaker will be none other than the Head Distiller for Westward Whiskey, Miles Munroe, who will be in town from Portland! We’ve long been huge fans of this distillery, and we make a point to stop by whenever we’re in town for a Drammers Portland event, like we did a couple weeks ago. One of our fellow Drammers from Brooklyn is even training there now (rock on Erin!). Of course, we had the pleasure of welcoming Miles for a massive online tasting back in September of 2020, but we’ve been itching to do something with him in person, and we’d been talking about doing something with them anyway to celebrate their new Whisky Club, where they can now send their one-off experimental releases nationwide (until a couple months ago, they could only ship them within Oregon). All of that is coming together for this event on March 9th, which will be a hybrid online and (for those of our members in LA) in person! Kat Aageson has kindly offered to host again (8623 Edwin Drive, 90046). We’re finalizing the lineup, but we’ve been collecting some of their fun experimental releases for a while now in anticipation of doing something, so it’ll be a fun lineup for sure. Details to come, but we wanted to let you know right away, so you could RSVP and make plans!

Hope you can join us! Cheers!