Jun. 14: Frey Ranch Barrel Pick Event!...

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(online tasting)

  • $20/person for Drammers Members

  • $30/person for Drammers Observers

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(online tasting)

  • $20/person for Drammers Members

  • $30/person for Drammers Observers

(online tasting)

  • $20/person for Drammers Members

  • $30/person for Drammers Observers

Fellow Drammers!

We’re very excited to announce a special barrel pick event where we’ll be joined online by our friends at Frey Ranch, who are located just outside Reno Nevada. We’re so excited about this distillery, that we hosted an event with them after they released their first bourbon, and even with only the 1 expression, the event lasted over 2 hours as we learned all about the fascinating experiments they’re doing over at Frey Ranch (including making interesting peat-alternatives, like making dried bricks out of decomposed corn and smoking the grain with that!). And they’re maybe the only distillery we know of that is humidity controlling their warehouses! Incredible. To date, they have only released a small handful of barrels into the world, to our knowledge only in a handful of stores in Nevada and maybe one or two other barrels have been released into the wild (we think in CA but don’t hold us to that). So needless to say, we are incredibly honored that they are entrusting one of their babies to us, which we’ll likely have in hand in the fall. As usual, we’ll be picking by committee, so everyone who signs up will get a tasting kit (which will include at least 5 samples, including a Las Vegas single barrel pick that Bob, the head of our Vegas chapter, secured for us). From those who sign up, we’ll pick names out of a hat to be on our tasting committee, and this time we think we’ll have enough for 15 or so folks on that barrel pick committee, who will get the normal sample pack plus 5 additional barrel pick samples to choose from. Exactly what we’re tasting we’re still nailing down (we’ve got batch number 1 of their bourbon and their rye, the Vegas single barrel, we’ll have their current bourbon and rye, and maybe we’ll mix it up and add or swap in a surprise or two, if so we’ll update you as soon as its confirmed).

For those of you who are new to the Frey Ranch party, first and foremost you need to know that these are farmer distillers — they only use grain they grow on their farm. This allows for an entirely new level of understanding of what is going into their whiskey, all being shown off in their four-grain bourbon that we tried at our event with them last year. Since then they’ve launched their bottled in bond rye as well.

In any case, I hope you can join us! The fun will start at 8pm EST / 5pm Pacific on April 14th.


Drammers Club