Jan. 17: Nikka Whisky with Emiko Kaji...

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We're thrilled to announce an exciting new online event with Nikka Whisky on January 17th, starting at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern. And we're delighted to welcome as our guest speaker Nikka's International Business Development Manager Emiko Kaji.

We’ll be announcing the bottle lineup shortly — note that the brand has requested that we not do our usual thing of going out and getting rare bottles at auction, etc. Instead they will be very generously donating all the bottles, and as a result the event will only cost $20/person for members and $30 for Observers.

We hope you can join us!

Zoom Info:

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86781700816?pwd=aG14K2gvSFhvNWZlRlViSlVFWVNGUT09

Meeting ID: 867 8170 0816

Passcode: 011722