Jan. 11: Farolito Mezcal with Ulises Torrentera, Author of Mezcalaria...


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Members / Observers

When: Tuesday, January 11th, starting at 5pm Pacific / 8pm EST

If you've been to Oaxaca to drink mezcal, chances are you already know who this is -- Ulises Torrentera, who together with his partner Sandra Ortiz Brena run the great In Situ mezcal bar, which has been one of the most influential mezcal bars in Oaxaca for many years now (and when you think about it, that's really saying something). He is also the author of Mezcalaria, which will be our book club book of the month for January, and everyone is encouraged to download and read it for the event (it is currently available for download as an ebook on Amazon).

We've had the pleasure of visiting with and getting to know Ulises and Sandra for many years now, and for our recent group trip to Oaxaca, we dedicated a night to learning about mezcal at the new reincarnation of In Situ, pictured below (they have a couple locations now). And as if having one of the leading mezcal bars in Oaxaca and being a leading author on the subject wasn't enough, he launched a mezcal brand in the United States a couple years ago, called Farolito (which means lantern). So we thought it would be fun to put together this event where we welcome Ulises, talk about his book, and drink 5 mezcals that he has curated. We last welcomes Ulises for our epic kickoff Zoom event in April of 2020, but we only had him on for 20 minutes that time, so we thought it would be nice to have time to do a deeper dive. Of the 5 mezcals, three are from his Farolito line in the US (Horno, Papalometl, and Penca Verde mezcal) and two are bottles we picked up at In Situ. These are high-end mezcals that usually sell in the $175 to $200 per bottle range.

We hope you can join us!

  • Expected Runtime: 90 minutes

  • Format: Online Tasting (Zoom Link / ID: 821 0908 7671 / Passcode: 011122)

  • Price: $35/person for Members / $50/person for Observers