Sep. 9: Drammers NYC - Party at Great Jones Distilling!...

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Fellow NYC Drammers!

We’re excited to announce that we’ll be having an event at the Great Jones Distillery on Thursday, September 9th, starting at 7pm. They have a private event space on the 3rd floor that they’re generously donating for the event. We wanted to contribute something, bring in a fun bottle etc., but their liquor license doesn’t allow it, so we offered to buy food at the bar, etc, hence the per person price which is at cost as usual. We’ll be trying four of their expressions, and we’ll have some light food (they have fantastic food btw). We’re capped at 24 people for the event, so from 7 to 8pm, we’ll all be together upstairs in the their private lounge, then we’ll have half the group (12 people) go for a tour of the full distillery at 8pm, the other half at 8:30pm, and after we can hang out in their bar and buy cocktails or more food etc. And, fun fact, everyone who joins can get $10 off buying a Great Jones bottle on their way out.

Drammers Club

  • $45/person for Drammers Members

  • $60/person for Drammers Observers