Dec. 3: Drammers Mumbai with Yash Bhamre and Kamet Indian Single Malt...


There is a per-person price that our Mumbai Chapter head (Rohan) is coordinating, contact us for details if you’d like to join.

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There is a per-person price that our Mumbai Chapter head (Rohan) is coordinating, contact us for details if you’d like to join.

There is a per-person price that our Mumbai Chapter head (Rohan) is coordinating, contact us for details if you’d like to join.

Finally! After a long covid-induced hiatus, we are getting Drammers Mumbai going again Friday, December 3rd at 7:30pm, and what better way to do it than to welcome back Yash Bhamre, our longtime friend who has presented to the club many times in past years, and is now back with a new role at an exciting new (to us at least) Indian Single Malt company - Kamet. We’ll be trying that along with Black Bow, Himalayan Whiskey, and Paul John’s much sought-after Mithuna release. A huge thank you to Rohan for organizing, and also to Ravi and Vikram who have generously agreed to host us on their killer terrace again. Sadly I (Charlie) will not be able to join in person. Initially I had hoped to, but between Omicron and a few other things, decided it was too hard, but you’re in great hands with Rohan, Yash and the gang, and I am very confident I will get there very soon — planning on January, to join in person again soon. If you want to attend and haven’t already connected with Rohan, please let us know so we can get you the details.